10 Signs that You May Need to File Bankruptcy
Written by Robert DeMarco
Debt can be crippling to a person or business. It is really very easy to get into the habit of spending more money than you have just because you want to buy something, and there don’t seem like any consequences. However, when debt becomes too much, it can lead to bankruptcy and other legal issues that will affect your life for years down the line.
The following are 10 signs that indicate you might need to file for bankruptcy:
#1. If You Are Struggling Financially
Financial problems are not always caused by spending too much money. You could have lost your job and can’t find another one, or someone in the family has a medical condition that insurance won’t cover- but this doesn’t mean they’re living comfortably on credit cards! There may also be other factors at play here, like getting divorced with shared outgoings, and this leaves just one income for both parties. You are suddenly becoming financially dependent upon an ex who left behind debts when they walked away from things such as maxed out accounts or a bank loan or even having your bank persistently withdraw money from an account you didn’t authorize. These things can be signs that bankruptcy may be needed to sort out financial problems in your life.
#2. Using Your Credit Card More Frequently
Credit cards are often used for everyday items, such as gas and groceries. With almost every purchase going on your credit card instead of cash or debit, you may be depleting funds faster than expected! A good rule of thumb is only to use the card if you have the money in your bank account after all bills are paid. If you can’t do this, it may be time to file bankruptcy.
#3. Bills & Letter From Creditors Have Piles Up
When bills and bank statements are slowly piling up, it’s often a good sign that bankruptcy is needed. You might also be receiving phone calls or even visits from creditors if the bank balance reaches zero!
Maintaining your home, car, and good health are all essential parts of living. In case you can spend less or earn more money, it will allow for the necessary expenditures that these things come with, but if not having enough cash flow leads us into bankruptcy, who knows what could happen!
#5. You Don’t Have Any Extra Cash To Have Fun With
We all know that the best way to maintain our lifestyles is with money. It’s not just for food or housing; there are many other things it can be used on – like social activities, hobbies, and vacations! But if you don’t have any discretionary income left after your debts (like credit card interest), then something must be over-spending elsewhere for this situation to arise. Cutting out monthly expenses where possible will help us avoid wasting money when we’re trying hard enough to make ends meet while generally maintaining personal responsibility for bank accounts
#6. If You Are Behind Your Mortgage Or Rent
In case you are behind on your mortgage or rent, something needs to be done before moving forward. It’s not good to live in houses that the bank abandons. Many other bad things can happen if you do not catch up with bank payments; for instance, the bank may decide to take back your house and sell it!
#7. If You Have Unpaid Loans
Most bank loans are good when it comes to paying them back on time, but if you’ve missed payments or have become seriously delinquent in repaying bank loans, then bankruptcy may be the way out for you! This is true when the bank has begun charging exorbitant fees and interest rates that are impossible to pay for in a timely fashion, making bank loans in default in their eyes.
#8. Consistently Spending More Money Than You Make
If you’re spending more money than your bank balance shows, then that means you’re not making enough to cover the bills. This can lead to bank bankruptcy very easily! It’s no secret the cost of healthcare has been on the increase. Between increases in premiums, deductibles, and copays, it can be challenging to manage without help from a professional or your family members who may not want anything else but financially sacrificing themselves for you as well. But what happens if this isn’t enough? Filing a bankruptcy can be one of your solutions!
#9. Planning To Get A Consolidation Loan
Debtors are often told that getting help from a debt management company is the way to go. However, in reality, there’s not much difference between them and consolidating loans because fees can take up your payment or even more so if you combine accounts with other people’s debts being handled by one organization. This means paying off any high-interest credit cards will be slow going without having an attorney on hand willing to fight for what belongs rightfully yours.
#10. Being Pursued By Creditors
Creditors are known for their persistence when it comes to getting debt repaid. Even if you do set up a payment plan, bank demands will always place your account in default unless your financial situation improves quickly to meet the bank’s needs! Otherwise, bank bankruptcy becomes an option many creditors allow bank customers to choose.
It can be easy to turn to bank bankruptcy as a last resort. But if bankruptcy is your best option, you are not alone because thousands of others have already filed bank bankruptcy successfully. Be strong, research the fees involved before paying anything, and be sure to speak with a bank account lawyer about bankruptcy options that may exist for you!
Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyer in Plano, TX
If you find yourself in a situation where bankruptcy is your best option, we can help. DeMarco Mitchell, PLLC provides skilled and comprehensive representation for individuals and businesses considering filing Chapter 7, 11, or 13 Bankruptcy. Our team of experts will walk you through the process step-by-step to ensure everything goes smoothly from start to finish with minimal disruption to your life. Contact us today at (972) 578-1400 for more information on how we can help!
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